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Tips for Safe Trick-or-Treating |
Source: Milly Kaiser, Extension Educator, Family Life. 618/687-1727 Before young goblins and super-heroes slither and sneak into neighborhoods, University of Illinois Extension reminds parents to make trick-or-treat safety a priority. "Young children should always be accompanied by an adult," says Milly Kaiser, Extension educator, family life. "And children should never trick-or-treat alone, regardless of their age." Children often get caught up in the excitement of Halloween and forget basic safety rules they would normally follow. "Parents need to emphasize the importance of staying on sidewalks, crossing streets safely, and walking, not running, from house to house," says Kaiser. "Of course, trick-or-treaters should also stay in familiar neighborhoods and only visit homes they know are safe." Instruct children not to eat any goodies until they get home. To help them resist the urge to munch, make sure children have a healthy meal before heading out the door. Parents should inspect all treats and discard anything that is not commercially wrapped. Check commercially wrapped items for signs of tampering and throw out anything that looks suspicious. Parents of young children should also remove any choking hazards such as gum, peanuts, hard candies or small toys. by Editor, |
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