2005 Year in Review

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Avoid Morning Before School Rush

- Prepare and-or pack lunches the night before.

Involve children in packing or fixing their own lunches.

- Decide what to wear and lay it out the night before.

- If it seems difficult to get children up in the morning, consider sending them to bed ½ hour earlier.

- As children get older supply each with an alarm clock and help them practice using it.

- Help children understand the morning timetable. Help them to think through all that needs to happen before leaving for school and about how long each task will take. They will begin to see why it's important to get up and get going. They might also identify some tasks they prefer to complete the night before.

- Compliment them when they make positive progress.

- Find ways to reward being ready on time or early (e.g., time playing a favorite game when ready early).

by  Editor, theCity1.com
September 27, 2005


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