Source: Jim Morrison, Extension Educator, Crop Systems, Rockford Extension Center, University of Illinois, Phone 815-397-7714, FAX 815-397-8620, Email morrison@uiuc.edu Fall is an important time for forages as they are storing nutrients in preparation for winter. Here are some fall forage management tips that will pay off in the spring.
Soil fertility reminders:
- Fall is a good time to take soil samples and determine phosphorus, potassium, and pH levels. A soil test now better reflects the plant available potassium in the soil.
- If the soil analysis requires limestone and one is following the Illinois Agronomy Handbook, apply only one-third of the recommended amount in any year since there will be very little incorporation of the broadcast lime.
- Generally, grasses will perform well at a pH of 6.0 or above while legumes need a pH of 6.5 or more (alfalfa needs a pH of 6.7 to 7.0).
- Each ton of dry matter hay removes about 55 pounds of K2O and 15 pounds of P2O5. If half of the recommended amount, as specified by yield goal, was applied after the first cutting, apply the remaining half after the last harvest in September. This split application pattern improves the efficiency of nutrient use by minimizing luxury consumption (especially for potassium).
Fall harvest management:
- The time in which a harvest is taken in the fall can have negative effect on depleting stored food reserves in the root and thus contributing to poor winter survival. Midwestern studies have shown that alfalfa cut in mid-September incurred the greatest reduction in forage yield the following spring. Plants left uncut, or harvested in early September or late October-early November exhibited little winter injury and had high forage yields. These studies confirm the general guideline that 6 weeks is needed for forages to regrow and store the needed food reserves necessary for winter survival prior to a hard freeze that kills the shoots and stops food root reserve accumulation.
Plan now if frost seeding pastures:
- If intending to frost seed or interseed pastures in early spring 2006, start planning now. Unlike the discussion in the above paragraph, the existing stand needs to be weakened to allow the frost seeded species to reach the soil and to make the new seedlings more competitive in the spring. Thus, the pasture needs to be overgrazed in the fall.
- Take soil samples and depending upon weed and the desired forage species, herbicide(s) may be applied to control pasture weeds.
Management given to forages in the fall can have a big impact on their performance the following spring.
by Editor, theCity1.com
September 26, 2005