2005 Year in Review

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Proud to be a Morrisonian

Sometimes you just have to stop and think clearly how your community you live in fits into the broader picture. Isn't it easy to fall into the trap that somehow your town isn't doing as much as the town next door or a community you see on TV doing good deeds?

Maybe we need to simply stop and just watch ourselves for a moment in time and determine all of the things that are happening.Just maybe the town next door is having those same feelings about our town.

Paint the Town and the Harvest Hammer are excellent examples of how events can be well managed and benefit all who participated and volunteered to help.The weather was in our favor to help with bringing in the crowds however I suspect that these highly regarded annual events would still have been well attended. It is interesting to note that the Saturday painting, while in itself a fun day for kids of all ages whether painting or running, Sunday becomes a day for friends and family to meet again on the still closed Main Street and view the painting presentations.This year also brought out some great window artists and our very own at 218 West Main were exceptional by Jesse Ryan and Lori Lee.We don't know if we have the heart to wash them off!

Our town has also been generous in giving some of our very own to the Gulf area as volunteers over the past few weeks.The decision these volunteers made to leave their jobs and families could not have been easy.The stories we have reported for you and have published online tell only part of the story. Morrison citizens can be proud we have seen part of our town "down South" helping with their collective skills. We have the firefighters back and Jean Zinnen will return this week and we look forward to interviewing them for their thoughts.

I would encourage you to do some of your own reflective thinking on the good things our community is accomplishing.Sometimes it is easy not to notice what is happening close to you and believe the next town is doing it better.

by Bob Vaughn, theCity1.com
September 19, 2005


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