2005 Year in Review

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Katrina - Actions Speak Louder Than Words

President Bush spoke in New Orleans about massive federal aid for the hurricane victims. Unfortunately, his first actions speak much louder.

It is common knowledge that the Federal Government was totally unprepared and inept in its actions (or lack of) in dealing with the effects of Katrina. But, it's President Bush's actions afterward that caught my attention.

First, he awarded no-bid contracts which will allow companies favored by the Bush administration to rake in huge profits in the reconstruction work.

Then, he suspended the depression-era law that provides that federally funded projects pay the prevailing wage in the area the construction is done. This will allow these favored contractors, like Halliburton, to get even bigger profits, instead of providing living wage work for area residents. This will mean $5.15 an hour instead of the prevailing $8 or $9 per hour.

The third thing he did was put Karl Rove, his political advisor, in charge of the reconstruction. I don't know what Mr. Rove knows about construction - not much - but he knows how to spin the issues and make sure that the favored companies (Republican contributors) get the bulk of the contracts and that there will be no questions asked about cost.

The Bush administration has experience in this already, having followed the same policies in Iraq.

Ironically, it is the Republicans in Congress that are the most suspicious of this cozy arrangement and are shouting loudly about accountability in the Katrina project.

Many Americans support President Bush because they believe that he favors a 'conservative' agenda. His agenda is not conservative at all - it is a system of massive corruption and incompetence.

The result is an endless war in Iraq, with huge non-bid contracts, a disaster in New Orleans, gasoline prices over $3 per gallon, natural gas prices that have doubled, and huge deficits.

What's next?

by John Legler, Guest Columnist
September 17, 2005


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