Jaysie Pruis, daughter of Scott and Jennie Pruis cuddles a baby bunny.
Taylor Hill isn't so sure about the baby duck as Kaylie Huizenga tries to get her to hold it.
McKenna King, daughter of Toby and Barb King kisses the baby duck.
Pam Muur holds the baby duck so her daughter Megan can pet it.
Baby Alpacas
Which one doesn't belong?
Ryan Dykstra and Vicki Eakle pet Willow as Katie Zuidema holds her.
Squeals of excitement and eagerness could be heard on the lawn of Ebenezer Reformed Church following the morning worship service Sunday, May 22 as the Sunday School held its annual Petting Zoo The church and Sunday school support the Heifer Project Mission.
Heifer International - South Africa is a development organization with the mission of alleviating hunger, poverty and environmental devastation through the provision of food producing animals to families in need. The animals provide much needed protein-rich food, thereby improving household food security, and in many cases, surplus products can be sold to generate much needed income to purchase other essentials.
The petting zoo is held to show the children the different kinds of animals that their mission offerings provide for. Four baby ducks seemed to be what fascinated the children the most as they could be easily held and cuddled. Other animals the children got to see, hold or pet were baby chickens, rabbits, Willow the goat and baby alpacas.
Treasured observations came from the mouths of the little children as they took turns holding and cuddling the animals. “Look at the baby chickens,” which were actually the ducks. “They are taking a bath,” as the ducks floated around in their drinking water. “Mommy, look at the camels,” as a little face peered through the fence to see the alpacas. “It’s a lamb,” stated one little boy about the goat. “Here I will put you back with your mommy,” as a little girl kissed and gently placed a baby duck in a laundry basket with the baby rabbit and told it good-bye.
by Dawn Zuidema, theCity1.com
May 26, 2005