2005 Year in Review

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Bicycle Rodeo - Safety is the Name of the Game

Jessie Delgado was the winner of the girl's bicycle.

Chief of Police Ernie Huling draws the winning tickets.

Riding the course

Bicycle safety inspection

Riding a figure eight

“The name of the game is safety,” stated James Gundlach in reference to the Morrison Community Bike Rodeo, which was held Saturday morning, May 21 from 9 a.m. until noon in the parking lot between the Junior High School and Southside Grade School.

Over 100 kids ages three to 16 signed up for the community event. Tricycles to 10 speed bikes were inspected for safety. Those participating were also asked to get on their bikes, ride 70 feet, stop and get off of the bike. A figure eight course was also set up. “We wanted to make sure the children could get on their bikes, ride it, stop, get off, and be able to control their bikes,” Gundlach added. “If we can just stop one kid from doing something foolish it is all worth it.”

Upon completing the safety course the children were given a bicycle driver’s license complete with their picture. These can also be used as an identification resource for the kids.

Participants also received a free bicycle seat reflector – flasher and 100 helmets were given away. A drawing was also held for two free bicycles. The winner of the girl’s bike was Jessie Delgado, Morrison and the boy’s bike winner was Jacob Fertig of Rock Falls.

Ruth Gundlach, State Farm Insurance Maurits and Jost, Inc. Insurance Company (licenses, advertising, organizing, course set-up and registration), Mickley Insurance Company (hot dogs and pop, course set-up and scoring), Country Companies Insurance Agency (course set-up and scoring), Morrison Police Department (bicycle locks, bicycle lights, course set-up and scoring), Morrison Fire Department (course set-up and scoring) and Morrison Community Hospital (helmets, Emergency Medical Technicians, course set-up and scoring) support the rodeo. Donna Geerts served hotdogs and pop for those who took part in the rodeo.

Jim Gundlach would like to thank all the people who helped with the rodeo and also to all the parents who brought their children.

Photos credited to Todd and Julie Mickley

by Dawn Zuidema, theCity1.com
May 23, 2005


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