Representatives of the Garden Club, Sesquicentennial Committee and the City of Morrison.
Jim Spangler
Gary Tresenriter and Mike Garland
The Morrison Garden Club donated two American Elm trees on Arbor Day, Friday, April 29, 2000 to the Rock Creek Park. The Garden Club also had the trees planted in honor of Morrison’s Sesquicentennial Celebration.
The Dutch Elm disease took out an enormous amount of trees in Morrison. The Garden Club replaced many of the Elm trees on Lincolnway in the 1960’s.
The two American Elm trees, which were planted, are Accolade Elm. This particular tree resembles the shape of the native American Elm trees. It is expected to grow 80 plus feet. It has glossy green leaves that are resistant to the Dutch Elm Disease and elm leaf beetles.
Jim Spangler of Spangler’s Landscaping and Garden, assisted by city workers Gary Tresenriter and Mike Garland planted and watered the trees.
Those in attendance for the dedication representing the Garden Club, Sesquicentennial Committee and the City of Morrison are pictured left to right: Sherry Schwartz, Jan Manchester, Barb Bees, Jane Heath, Bob Vaughn, Rosemary Coplan, Karen Huber, Phyllis Dornon, Joyce Vandermeulen, Gay Elfline, and Pat Zuidema.
by Dawn Zuidema,
May 2, 2005