The risk of a grass or field fire of getting out of control can be very high if certain precautions are not followed to reduce the risk. Over the past 10 years hundreds of farm structures have been lost when these types of fires go out of control. The following are precautions that can significantly reduce the danger of a field or ditch fire from becoming out of control: - Follow state and local open burning laws.
- Stay with outside fires until they are completely safe and dead out.
- Do not start fires if the wind speed is greater than 20 miles per hour. At higher wind speeds fires can spread quickly and get out of control.
- Do not start fires in areas where there are buildings and equipment that have dry grass and debris around them. Dry grass and debris should be no closer than 30 feet to farm structures and equipment.
- Carry emergency fire numbers with you so that if a fire starts to get out of control you have these numbers readily available to call for help.
- If possible, have a supply of water nearby that can be used to put out small fires that start to become out of control.
- Have a tractor with a connected disc or field cultivator near by incase a fire starts to get out of control a fire break can be developed to held stop the spreading of fire.
- Always leave a clear escape path between you and the fire.
- Carry a shovel and fire extinguisher in your vehicle.
- Make sure firefighters know how to locate your farm.
- If you have a fire where you need emergency assistance make sure when you call in the fire department you stay on the line so they can obtain the exact directions to the location of the fire.
- Before starting a field or ditch fire contact your local fire department and inform them that you will be setting a field fire. Others in the area may call the fire department to report a fire when they see smoke. My contacting the fire department ahead of time in will prevent them from making unneeded runs.
Other Outdoor Fire Safety Precautions:
- Never park your vehicle on dry grass.
- Never throw a lighted cigarette out the window of a vehicle.
- Grease trailer wheels, check tires, and ensure safety chains are not touching the ground.
- Avoid driving through tall grass.
- Internal combustion engines on off-road vehicles require a spark arrester.
- Check and clean the spark arrester.
- Sparks from chainsaws, welding torches, and other equipment can cause wild fires.
- Make a fire-safe zone around your home. Remove flammable vegetation and leaves at lease 30 feet from the house.
- Keep grass (both green and dormant) closely mowed. . Keep tall grass, brush and trees out from under utility lines to protect essential services.
- LPG tanks should be at least 40 feet away from buildings for valves to be shut off in case of fire. Keep area around the tank clear of flammable vegetation.
- Do NOT, under any circumstances, use a weed eater blade, lawn mower blade in an area of dried grasses.
- Also, have a plan for your animals. If a fire is coming your way be sure you and your family have a system worked out to either put all your animals in a safe place, or if a big fire is coming, turn all the animals out of their barns or pastures. They will typically outrun any fire and generally stay as close to home as they can.
by Editor, theCity1.com
April 26, 2005