2005 Year in Review

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What is There to Do at Morrison Rockwood State Park?

Morrison-area residents are fortunate to have 700 acres of paradise for their outdoor pleasure, most of which is free to enjoy.

The land for Morrison Rockwood State Park was acquired in 1965, became a reality in 1971, and was dedicated August 4, 1972. In the 33 years since, countless people have enjoyed the many out-of-doors opportunities at this local treasure. What is your favorite activity?

There is so much variety. Pick a “verb” from this alphabet of activities, and create some al fresco fun at Morrison Rockwood State Park.

Admire a sunrise, attend day camp, bike, bird watch, boat, build a campfire, call a friend, camp, canoe, climb playground equipment, coast on a scooter, converse, cook, crochet, cross-country ski, dine at the marina restaurant, exercise a dog, feed ducks, find cloud images, fish, fly a kite, gather thoughts, hike, hold a reunion, host a meeting, hunt for worms, identify wildflowers, jog, journal, kick a ball, listen to frogs, meditate, name species of trees, nap, observe, paddle, paint, participate in the Girl Scout 5K Spirit Run, picnic, pilot a model airplane, play, practice driving, pray, quilt, read, ride a horse, row, sit on a bench, sunbathe, take photographs, tell stories, toss a Frisbee, unwind, vary your routine, walk, watch a sunset, yawn, yodel, zigzag along a path, or zoom up a hill.

by Stephanie A. Vavra, Guest Columnist
April 15, 2005


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