2005 Year in Review

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Update and Thank You from the Bonneurs

Hello everyone.

Well, hopefully this will be one of the last updates from the Richmond, VA hospital. Andy is doing very well; we are only waiting on one medical issue. The procedure on his bladder last Thursday went very well. There is nothing obstructing so no surgery is required. The urologists think possibly there was trauma from Andy pulling a catheter out and this caused a muscle to clench. They were able to relax the muscle.

So please continue to pray that everything will heal naturally and work properly and that we can go home this week. Andy and I both know that everyone has been so faithful in praying for us, thank you.

I hope you are all well and happy!

Thank You


Andy and I would like to thank everyone for all of their prayers and cards and well wishes for him during this time. We both know that your love and support has made all the difference in his recovery. He is doing so well and in such a short amount of time, we truly understand how blessed we are and how powerful your prayers have been! We are hoping to be released from the VA Medical Center in Virginia in the next week or so and return to our home in North Carolina. He will continue with physical therapy and work short days for the Marine Corps. He will be able to begin refresher training for flying in 12 months or so. We are both very thankful for his recovery and to all the nurses and doctors and therapists both in Illinois and Virginia who have cared for him. We especially want to thank Morrison and the Lion's Club and all the friends and neighbors and even strangers who have been praying for Andy. We love and appreciate you very much!

God Bless,

Christine and Andrew Bonneur

by  Editor, theCity1.com
March 7, 2005


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