2005 Year in Review

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Where was all this stuff?

We just completed the arduous task of moving two (2) businesses including thecity1.com and we collectively are asking ourselves: "Where did all this suff come from?"

In fact we left three (3) metal desks behind as it was easier to buy new lightweight furniture and have it delivered than to strain our backs in moving the old ones. However, I will admit the older desks are vintage 1960 style and steel is the primary component of those desks. Ever try to work a keyboard in front of a desk with no knee room? Interesting isn't it how desk technology has needed to change with the introduction of computers into our workdays.

Beyond all that I have been asking myself where in the world all this stuff was that we moved and now have to find a home for in our new offices? Why did we have a 6 foot diameter pumpkin ballon? We have two (2) burn trash cans, never used. Paper work with dates several years old that has no use whatsoever, why is it still here? Then comes the matter of transporting all this stuff. Sure it was only 3 blocks but loading and unloading became a real challenge since we also had work that needed to be uninterrupted. The original 2 day plan for moving turned into 6 days and now we have the interesting challenge of trying to determine all new places for all this stuff.

Why do we need some of these items like pictures or extra chairs or desks large enough to have a family picnic around them? I submit some of the reasoning we have all this stuff is we like a friendly work environment and we try to make it feel good. Supposing that is at least a small reasonable answer then I would and will state for the record that I do not ever want to move these businesses again. All that feel good stuff has found a final home and somebody else can move it next time.

That said we will be proud to have a Main Street presence here in Morrison with our logo banner prominently placed in our window. Somewhere around March 8 we will have our offices open for you to stop in and say Hi if you wish. We are looking forward to serving our community in our new home. Just think, you can come in and see all our feel good stuff we moved.

by Bob Vaughn, theCity1.com
February 17, 2005


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