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Ned Nesti to present "Art and Religion of the Renaissance" |
The United Methodist Church will offer: “Art and Religion of the Renaissance” presented by Ned J Nesti, Jr. on Tuesday, February 1 and 8 at 7:00 pm. This is an opportunity to learn how the church used the visual arts to promote both the church and its message. Utilizing video and lecture, Mr. Nesti will explain what to look for in the paintings and sculptures of the Renaissance, so, we, as observers, both understand and appreciate the art. Ned Nesti is the art instructor at Morrison Junior High and is highly respected for his outstanding art program. Ned has taught at Sauk Valley Community College in its “College for Kids” program, and at The Franciscan University in Clinton, Iowa. As a consultant for Scholastic Magazine, he designs workshop assignments and teachers’ guide lesson plans for Scholastic Art. Morrison students have won numerous awards at both the regional and national level under his tutelage and direction. Ned has presented at the National Art Education Association: “Award-Winning Scholastic Art Projects Based on Art History” and has written an article for Electronic Learning, titled “Bringing Art History Alive.” Mr. Nesti truly does bring Art History alive through his knowledge and “off the cuff manner.” The words “boring,” “stuffy,” and “high-brow” no longer pertain! With great humor and a common-man’s approach, Mr. Nesti will inform, enlighten, and entertain!! Don’t miss this opportunity to learn! All are invited and there is no charge. by Editor, |
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