2005 Year in Review

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Police Reports 01-17-05

On 01-12-05, at approximately 10:34 p.m., Bruce L. Buck, Morrison, reported that approximately 70 compact discs (CD’s), valued at approximately $910.00, were taken from his pick-up truck. The thefts occurred some time during the evening while Buck’s truck was parked at Stuart Apartments on East Lincolnway.

On 01-13-05, at approximately 9:23 a.m., Morrison Police arrested Jason W. Klahn, 29, Fulton, on charges of driving while license revoked, operating an uninsured motor vehicle, and illegal transportation of an alcoholic beverage. Klahn was stopped in the 100 block of East Knox Street after Klahn was observed driving, by a judge, following a court appearance before the judge for a previous charge of driving while license revoked.

After Klahn was taken into custody, the police were ordered, by the judge, to bring Klahn before the judge. During his second appearance that morning, Judge Vicki Wright set Klahn’s bond at $10,000. Klahn was then incarcerated at the Whiteside County Law Enforcement Center. Klahn is considered innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

The Whiteside County Sheriff’s Office assisted Morrison Police with the arrest.

On 01-14-05, at approximately 10:15 a.m., Scott A. Folkers, Morrison, reported that license plates were taken from a car parked at Five Star Enterprises, East Lincolnway. The theft occurred some time the previous night.

by  Editor, theCity1.com
January 17, 2005


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