2005 Year in Review

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Look for Steam Engines this Summer!

This is the working clay model of the resin steam engine.

The Sauk Valley Area Chambers of Commerce in partnership with the Morrison Sesquicentennial and Morrison Chamber of Commerce is planning for a grand celebration of the 150th anniversary of the arrival of the first steam engine in Whiteside County.

The Sauk Valley Area Chamber is pleased to announce upcoming events for the summer which are being held in honor of the 150th Anniversary of the Chicago and Northwestern Railroad coming to Whiteside County.

Last summer the SVACC was contacted by a member of the Sterling Rock Falls Historical Society about this Anniversary for 2005. It was at that time that the Chamber decided to take this project and move forward on it. After all, Commerce would have never developed in the Sauk Valley without the railroad. Northwestern Steel and Wire, National, International Harvester Works and many of the large manufacturers throughout the Valley would have found it difficult to exist without the assistance of the railroad. Citizens of the Sauk Valley that settled here came to work at the factories and businesses that grew around the rails. All people living in Whiteside County have been positively influenced from the rails. For instance, if you are a farmer or producer, no doubt your grain has traveled on the railway, if you are a laborer your goods have traveled the rail or if you are in the service industry, your business is dependent on the people that live and work in the factories which were started around the tracks.

The Whiteside County History books are very specific on the building and celebration of the Railroad. The Pioneer was the first steam engine to make the official trip across Whiteside County. The Inaugural Celebration took place on July 17, 1855 with the likes of Stephen Douglas, US Senator from Illinois; Joel Matteson, Governor; John B. Turner, President of the railroad; various Congressmen; judges, editors and others of note. The celebration included the roasting of an ox and a dance which closed out the celebration. As the train moved west, it arrived in Morrison on October 19, 1855. Morrison was created as the anticipation of the train moved west in our County. Finally, on December 16, 1855, the tiny horse arrived in Fulton. Thus finishing it’s trek across Whiteside County.

In order to make this event a true County wide event, we have been in contact with various organizations and Chambers throughout the County to ensure that all towns and cities are equally represented. Several Chamber Presidents have been contacted and have already participated in meetings.

Many events are being planned to honor this Anniversary. First, we have had a limited edition 3ftx4ft poly resin replica of the Pioneer commissioned. Something comparable to this would have been the “Cows on Parade” in Chicago a few years back. The idea is that businesses, booster clubs, service groups or train lovers will purchase one of these poly resin trains and after painting it in their choice of themes, will place it on display in front of their business. If the purchaser happens to be an individual or service group, we are hoping for the communities of our county to agree, as the City of Sterling has done, and allow these beautiful pieces of art to be placed in City parks. We will then create a map of all trains that have been purchased to promote tourism in the County. We are hoping that train buffs and art admirers will travel throughout the County, viewing the trains and taking notice of what the businesses and towns in our County have to offer.

The cost of a train will be $700 for members of any Chamber in the County and $750 for non-Chamber members. A maximum of 100 trains will be available. Purchasers will be able to keep the trains after the celebrations are over. We hope to have all trains here and delivered by the first of June, for display from July 1- October 15. Orders are being taken from now until February 11th.

We have also requested from the Union Pacific Railroad that one of their five working Antique Steam Engines be sent to Whiteside County for trips between Sterling and Fulton. This would be a large attraction for people in the county to see the steam engine coming down the track – full steam ahead like it did 150 years ago. Train buffs will travel great distances to see the trains in working mode. We should hear from the Union Pacific within the month on whether our request has been granted.

Next, we are planning a celebration similar to the one that took place 150 years ago with state and local politicians and dignitaries in attendance, a barbeque for the community and a possible live band or dance that evening. The date of this event will be dependent on whether we are approved for the steam engine from the Union Pacific. More details on this to follow.

Finally, we are working with local train buffs and model railroaders from the county on putting together a collectors show and model railroad tours. Dates and further information will be submitted to the public by late spring.

If you have noticed a theme, these events are about tourism for Whiteside County and awareness to other people in the state of what we have to offer. The Chamber is very excited about the chance to be working with all of the wonderful organizations throughout the county to get the events organized, they are: The Rock Falls Chamber of Commerce, The Morrison Chamber of Commerce, the Fulton Chamber of Commerce, the Prophetstown Chamber of Commerce and the Sterling Rock Falls Historical Society and the Morrison Sesquicentennial Committee. We look forward to the opportunity to promote tourism and historical awareness of Whiteside County.

by Bob Vaughn, theCity1.com
January 16, 2005


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