September 9 Agenda: Morrison City Council Meeting

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On Monday, September 9, 2013, the City of Morrison Council Meeting will convene at 7:00 the Whiteside County Board Room, 400 N. Cherry Street, Morrison, IL.  The Agenda follows.

Call To Order

Roll Call

Pledge of Allegiance

Public Comment

Board and Commission Reports

  • Morrison Business Advisory Group
  • Historic Preservation Commission

Reports of City Officers

Reports of Department Heads

The Consent Agenda calls for approval of six items.

  • August 24, 2013 Special Session Council Meeting minutes
  • August 26, 2013, Regular Session minutes
  • August 29, 2013 Special Session Council Meeting minutes
  • Bills Payable
  • August 2013 Treasurer’s Report
  • Ordinance #13-34, Amendment to Enterprise Zone, renovation of part of Lee Wayne Plaza, Sterling, IL

Items Removed From Consent Agenda

Items for Consideration and Possible Action include six items.

  • Ordinance #13-31, Storm Water Management and Erosion Control
  • Ordinance #13-35, Revolving Loan Fund request by Resthave Nursing Home
  • Ordinance #13-36, Authorize Mayor to execute Onsite Utility Maintenance, Right of Entry, and Hold Harmless agreement with Resthave Home
  • Plat approval for vacated sidewalk in 200 block of W. Market Street
  • Approval of Meadowbrook Subdivision plat
  • Windsor Manor Utility Cost Share Agreement
  • Mt. Pleasant Township Easement, Morrison Rockwood Recreatioal Trail

Other Items for Consideration, Discussion, and Information

  • Resolution #13-XX, a Resolution Facilitating Issuance of Health Facility Capital Improvement Bonds for the benefit of Resthave Home of Whiteside County, Illinois

Executive Session

  • “To consider the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body” 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1)

Action from Executive Session

  • Resolution #13-08, Authorizing contract for new City Administrator


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