September 2014 ARC Blood Drive Report

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Editor’s note:  This report was submitted by Kaywyn J. Beswick, R.N./Morrison ARC Blood Drive Coordinator.


The fifth Morrison American Red Cross blood drive of 2014 was held on Thursday, September 18, at Morrison United Methodist Church, 200 W. Lincolnway, Morrison, IL. It was an absolutely perfect-weather day, 73 degrees and sunny with a mild breeze.  That is weather that I would love to have year-round wherever I retire someday! I chose a “football” theme, and anyone who wore any kind of football (high school, college, or NFL) gear (hat, shirt, jacket, sweatshirt, socks, or whatever) had their name placed in a basket for a $25 gift card to Sullivan’s Foods.

9-18BielemasOur winner for the day was Brad Bielema, one of our faithful “regulars,” who comes to almost every blood drive. Congratulations, Brad.  We got his picture taken with his father, Joe, and his son, Colton!

The ARC goal for the day was only 46. The ARC has lowered the goal from what it used to be, when I started working blood drives back in 2009. The goals were usually 60-70 “good units” five years ago. There were several appointment slots that were already filled from the previous drive in July, and a few other people either went on-line or called the 800 number to make their own appointments. So I didn’t have a lot of phone calls to make before the drive, other than getting volunteers to man the stations throughout the blood drive room.

We had 57 generous people come through our doors to give us their time and life-saving blood, each helping up to three people in less than an hour. There were two “first-time” blood donors. Jill Sutherland was “just driving through town,” saw our bloodmobile sign, and stopped in. Alyce Cook was helping in the kitchen. Thank you, ladies, for joining the ranks of blood donors. I hope you make it a lifelong habit to donate every eight weeks.

We gave out three pins:  Randy Kuehl received his 3-gallon-pin; Keith Wiersema was given a 5-gallon-pin; Chris Hawkins was awarded a 13–gallon-pin! Kudos to you three great guys. Between you three gentlemen and your 21 gallons–or 168 pints–there have been 504 lives aided! Five “twice-as-nice” double-red-cell donors were Glenn Blacklock, Dwaine Schroeder, Tom Demay, Ben Johnson, and Ron Shank. You gentlemen get credit for two units in one visit.

The rest of the those answering the call were Ron Finnicum, Lorna Temple, Stephanie Vavra, Renee Vanderlaan, Kent Stralow, Norine Urban, Lori Ploenzki, Joyce Hamstra, Lynn Reimer, Dorothy Kaufman, Linda Temple, Keith Hamstra, Steve Miley, Lisa Nice, Millie Schaver, Pam Pickens, Charlie Bremer, Marian Dykema, Kristine Honeycutt, Beth Wroble, Evan Haag, Sally Ward, Frank Vandermyde, Catherine Rambo, Deb Wikoff, Margaret Barr, Michelle Goossens, Em Schroeder, Carolyn Aiken, Connie Tegeler, Joe R. Bielema, Janet Manchester, Callie Bush, Jennifer Phelps, Dave Temple, Brooke Newman, Nancy Shank, Kaywyn Beswick, Tim West, Connie Swanson-DeSpain, Linda Damhoff, Arnold J. Damhoff, and five other people (four men and one woman) who did not want their names printed in the newspaper and/or on website. (I know who you five are, and we appreciate you very much.)

Thank you to the ever-loyal Kiwanis who come to unload the truck at the beginning of the day and return to reload the truck at the end; we could not do it without you. They were Nick Becker, Ron Finnicum, Frank Vandermyde, Kris and Brett Bielema, and Lawrence “Ike” Isaacsen. Appreciation goes out to Morrison United Methodist Church for faithfully letting us use their beautiful facility. A huge shout-out goes to the caring Wa-Tan-Ye ladies for sponsoring the drive, by purchasing, preparing, and serving the food. They were Clarita Vandermyde, Dorothy Demay, Kathy Heumann, Alyce Cook, Jan Horberg, and Edith Massey.

Much gratitude is for the men and women who helped on one of two shifts and man all the stations in the blood drive room. They were Marian Dykema, Marcia Haag, Ron Wiersema, Joanne Kilgus, Deb Wikoff, Arlene Merema, Darlene Hook, Marilyn Akker, and Marilyn Habben. Some of them were blood donors themselves, but cannot give anymore, so they help out physically by working a three-hour-shift at one of the stations for me. Sometimes they sign up right away before they leave that day, to volunteer at the next drive. Sometimes they come with less than 24 hours’ notice. I am so very grateful to them all!

With only a few deferrals, two cancellations, and nine no-show appointments, the collection was counter-balanced against 20 wonderful walk-ins.  The goal of 46 was surpassed by 10, to total 56 “good units” taken to Peoria, IL, that evening. That is almost 20% above goal! I am so very proud of our terrific little town and the kind and humble Community members, who always step up to bat for the cause. I am sure the readers of the Sentinel and get tired of me bragging about Morrison. But, to repeat one of my donors talking about their grandkids, “My buttons are bursting” with pride!

Please come join us for the next ARC blood drive to be held at the UMC on Thursday, November 20, from noon to 6:00 p.m. You can call me for an appointment at 815-772-3169 or dial the toll-free number for ARC, which is 1-800-REDCROSS, or go on-line to the website

Bring a spouse, coworker, friend, or neighbor. We always have a great time chatting and visiting, with wonderful food, terrific music, and exceptional ARC staff. Happy Autumn!

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