September 10 City Council Report

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On Tuesday, September 10, 2017, the City of Morrison Council Meeting convened at 7:00 p.m. in the Whiteside County Board Room, 400 N. Cherry Street, Morrison, IL.  In attendance were Mayor Everett Pannier, City Administrator Barry Dykhuizen, Treasurer Evan Haag, Director of Public Works Gary Tresenriter, Chief of Police Brian Melton, and the following Aldermen:   Arlyn Deets, Dale Eizenga, Dave Helms, Ken Mahaffey, Vern Tervelt, Josh West, Mick Welding, and Harvey Zuidema.

During Public Comment Tori McDaniels, Whiteside County Public Transportation

Board and Commission Reports

  • Planning/Zoning Commission
  • Morrison Historic Preservation Commission

Reports of City Officers and Department Heads

  • CDBG Sanitary Sewer Lining Project Status Update

WIPFLI-FY17 Audit Presentation

Consent Agenda – For Action

     1. September 25, 2017, Regular Session Minutes

     2. Bills Payable of $108,271.80

     3. Waste Water Treatment Plant Request for Loan Disbursement #22/Application for Payment #21

     4. Waterworks Park Pump Station, Genesee Avenue Pump Station and Sanitary Sewer Improvements Request for Loan Disbursement #9/Application for Payment #9

     5. Domestic Violence Awareness Month Proclamation

Items Removed from Consent Agenda (for Discussion and Possible Actions)

Items for Consideration, Discussion, and Possible Action

     1. Ordinance #17-09, Governing Required Setback for Bars and Taverns as Special Uses in the C-1 Central Business District

     2. Ordinance #17-10, Modify Placement of Stop Signs on Heaton Street

     3. Ordinance #17-11, Limitation on the Number of Class C, D and F Liquor Licenses

     4. Finalize High Street Improvement Budget and Project Components

     5. One-Day Special Use Liquor License for Morrison Chamber of Commerce, Requesting Fee Waiver

Other Items for Consideration, Discussion, and Information

  • Morrison Downtown Revitalization



On Monday, August 28, 2017, the City of Morrison Council Meeting convened at 7:00 p.m., in the Whiteside County Board Room, 400 N. Cherry Street, Morrison, IL.  In attendance were Mayor Everett Pannier, City Clerk Melanie Schroeder, City Administrator Barry Dykhuizen, Treasurer Evan Haag, Chief of Police Brian Melton, and the following Aldermen:   Arlyn Deets, Dale Eizenga, Dave Helms, Ken Mahaffey, Vern Tervelt, Josh West, Mick Welding, and Harvey Zuidema.

Reports of City Officers and Department Heads:  Chief Melton discussed his line graph showing individual calls for service, from January 2015 through July 2017.  This May had 320 calls; June and July each had 400.  July of this year showed record-high numbers, without an overwhelming number of specific types of calls.  There have been “a few more burglary arrests.  We have solved the burglaries, but they haven’t been charged yet.  Any victim received a status letter from [the Chief] regarding the investigation.”  CA Dykhuizen answered Zuidema’s concerns from the Monday, August 14, meeting regarding idle equipment at the Sports Complex sitting out in the elements, rusting, and collecting water.  The latter had suggested moving the pieces to “GE this week.”  Dykhuizen said they will go into GE this week for the winter.  He said the City will finalize the scope of High Street work at the end of September or early October.  The State of Illinois, he stated, will take 2% of our sales tax ($4000) as a “handling fee,” to collect our tax and distribute it back to us!”  Haag had no Treasurer’s Report and explained the “software provider has explained the problem” Haag has been having.  The Mayor said, “It was balanced.”  He added, members of Morrison Historic Preservation Commission will attend in September, to address payment procedures for projects and the Ordinance that is in place.     

The Consent Agenda was approved, with the exception of Item 6.  Zuidema asked to remove it from the Consent Agenda for discussion.

     1. August 14, 2017, Regular Session Minutes:  The Mayor said there was a Page 2 correction that should read “Request for Qualification.”

     2. Bills Payable of $79,217.57

     3. Approval Mick Welding as Mayor pro tem:  The attorney has advised electing a Mayor pro tem at the beginning of each year.

     4. Request for Parade Permits and Street Closure, Morrison Chamber of Commerce:  Halloween Parade and Christmas Walk/Parade

     5. Resolution #17-10, Support for the Morrison Institute of Technology Innovation Center

     6. Resolution #17-11, Restructure IEPA Loans:  The IEPA requested a formal Resolution.

Items Removed from Consent Agenda (for Discussion and Possible Actions):  Zuidema said, “We’ve not gotten anything on this Resolution; we need to have numbers on what the payoff is, what the yearly payoff is.  I can’t vote for [it]; I need to see some numbers.”  Dykhuizen noted, “This is the same item voted on two meetings ago; this is a Resolution for the IEPA.”  Mayor Pannier clarified, “We have no numbers yet.  [This Resolution is] “an application for terms, to see if we can get a 30-year loan, [and] to get more information on [our] three loans.”  The Resolution was approved.

Items for Consideration and Possible Action:  Personal Property Replacement Tax Distribution to Library:  CA Dykhuizen described a Council “discussion that began in January or February 2016,” regarding the fact that, each year, the Odell Public Library Fund is supposed to receive 19.38% of the Personal Property Replacement Funds.  In 2000 to 2001, these payments “dropped off; in 2002 the funds stopped” completely and without explanation or Council action.  He would like the Council to approve 50% repayment of the $167,000 owed, over the next seven years.  Eizenga noted the amount would be “about $11,000 to $12,000 a year, or $1000 a month.”  The Council approved repayment of $83,598.50 spread over seven years.  The Library Board is in agreement.

Other Items for Consideration, Discussion, and Possible Action:  Dykhuizen led the Main Street Project discussion, stating it is estimated to cost $468,645.07 to grind and overlay the street and redo the corners for ADA compliance.  By Friday, September 15, six firms need to submit their qualifications to do the street work; their qualifications will be scored.  Mayor Pannier has arranged a second meeting of building owners, business owners, and the public on Thursday, September 21, at 7:00 p.m., in the Community Room.

The Council adjourned for Executive Session to discuss Collective Negotiating Matters Between Public Employers and Their Employees or Representatives.  Upon return to the regular meeting, the Fraternal Order of Police Union Agreement was approved retroactively, from for May 1, 2017, to April 30, 2020.  There were minor language changes to the contract.  Salary increases were approved at 2.65% each year for three years.

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