
Sensory Perception Room Relaxes and Calms Residents

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SensoryPerceptionRoomA new Sensory Perception Room is a nice, quiet, getaway nook where residents at Resthave Home, 408 Maple Avenue, Morrison, IL, can enjoy a soothing atmosphere.  This can be especially beneficial and relaxing to our residents with dementia, including Alzheimer’s, Lewy Body, Parkinson’s, Frontotemporal, Vascular, Creutzfeldt-Jacob, and Mixed Dementias.

Please note that this room was funded by donations and memorial money.  Thank you for your thoughtful donations.  Your money is being put to work, bringing calm and pleasure to Resthave residents.  Come see for yourselves.

The Sensory Perception Room features two bubble sensory tubes; an old fashioned-style radio/disc player for soothing music and sounds, and a fireplace.  Included are items that our more impaired residents can touch to feel different textures, such as the fidget quilts donated by River Cities Quilt Guild.  These keep restless hands busy, yet can have a calming effect.  Magazines to reminisce with can also be found in the room.

Pictured are Al Geerts and Verna Snyder, Resthave Home Long Term Care Residents.


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