Seahorse Swim Club Needs a New, Trendy Design

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DrawSeahorseThe Morrison Seahorse Swim Club (MSSC) is soliciting design entries for a newer, more trendy look to the mascot and team.  The primary purpose of the design is to serve as the new logo.  It may also adorn the website and promotional material.  The design will become a signature component of the club and its image.

Our seahorse mascot is loved by all, so that component would remain a main focus.

All entries will be carefully considered.  The awarded design becomes property of the Morrison Seahorse Swim Club. 

Final drafts are due Thursday, September 1, 2016, with any necessary revision due Saturday, September 10.

See the parameters below.

  • Color or black and white design
  • T-shirt/Promotional items can be any color; background is negotiable.
  • Design size no larger than 12″ wide and 15″ tall
  • Theme:  Morrison Seahorse Swim Club, MSSC, seahorse, swimming, water, etc.
  • Must include MSSC or Morrison Seahorse Swim Club and a seahorse.
  • Possibly consider a new slogan for the club.
  • Submissions should be sent in pdf format to
  • Contact Chelsea Brewer at with questions.
  • Designer of the winning entry will receive $100.  Designer must be willing to permit changes, should Morrison Seahorse Swim Club see fit.

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