School Board Makes Staff Changes

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Assistant Editor Jerry Lindsey wrote the report.

The MCUSD #6 Board of Education was in full attendance, as it convened in the District Office on Monday, April 25, 2022.

The approved Consent Agenda included the hiring of Colin Wolf (1:1 Aide at Northside School) and Roger Barry (Custodian at Morrison High School.)  Resignations were approved for Jason Banks (Varsity Basketball Coach), Sally Lindsey (Guidance Secretary), and Kolleen Pannier (Office Manager at Morrison Junior High School.)

The Agenda carried topics requiring the Board’s discussion without final approval being requested. Discussion item included: A) Southside grading policy; B) District Improvement Plan; C) Morrison Sports Complex.  The Spots Complex usage for Morrison athletic events remains an issue without clarification and total understanding by all parties. Board member comments and questions exposed the need for the City of Morrison and The MCUSD #6 Board to consolidate their needs and intentions. They need to form a go-forward plan, that allows Morrison athletes the luxury of participating at a quality facility.

Action items offered to the Board for a vote all received a unanimous votes, except for the approval of the resignation agreement offered to Jeremy Keesee. The agreement passed with a vote count of 4 AYE, 2 NAY, and 1 abstention. The remaining Action items were approved.

A. Tenure List

1. Promote full-time Teachers to probationary status: Kelly Holland (MJHS), Ashley Johnson (MJHS), Allison Ross (MJHS), Steve Snider (MHS), Heather Goeke (Southside), Megan Modglin (Southside), Amber Wright (Southside), Dana Bass (Northside), and Jessica Prowant (Northside.
2. Promote 2nd year probationary status to 3rd year probationary status: Tom Drosopoulos (MHS.)
3. Promote 3rd year probationary status to 4th year probationary status: Thomas Frank (MHS), Emily Kirkland (Southside), Annie Palmer (MHS), and Jennifer Streets (MHS.)
4. Promote tenure status: Jennifer Geer (Northside), Tonia Prombo (MHS), and Jamie Rodriguez (MJHS.)

B. Memo of Understanding: Memo of Understanding with the Morrison Education Association (MEA), for the addition of a stipend for Concession Manager to the Extracurricular Activities schedule.

C. Renewal of Linewize: One-year renewal ($8046.50) for a filter that keeps the District’s web content in compliance and cyber-safe.

D. Certified Staffing: Accepted the resignation of Korby Hubbard, Gabrielle McCormick, and Tyler Sutton. Approved the hiring of Sarah Belander (Northside), Devin Darsidan (Southside), and Karen Mayberry (Northside) effective August 1, 2022.