
Scholastic Bowl Televised in Stateline Quiz Bowl

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Morrison High School Scholastic Bowl Coach Brian Bartoz submitted this article and photos.

Morrison High School’s Scholastic Bowl team traveled to Rockford, IL, on Sunday, October 7, 2018, to participate in a taping of Bergstrom’s Stateline Quiz Bowl.  The televised program provides a format through which Scholastic Bowl/Quiz Bowl teams, from across northern Illinois, participate in a four-round match against a competing team.  Questions cover a wide range of categories, including history, science, language arts, mythology, geography, current events, and other topics.

During the match, held at the Nordlof Center in downtown Rockford, Morrison competed against Pecatonica High School.  Although Pecatonica won the match 190 to170, Morrison’s team played competitively throughout the event.  Eric Wilson, a news anchor for WTVO-TV in Rockford, served as the program’s host.  He talked with the team prior to the taping.  Left-to-right are MHS students Aaron Freeman, Thomas Wagenecht, Hannah Stralow, Kara Saville, Captain Griffin Vos, and Faith Green.


After the taping Scholastic Bowl team members Hannah Stralow, Kara Saville, Griffin Vos, Thomas Wagenecht, Faith Green, and Aaron Freeman gathered for a group photo.


The match was broadcast on WTVO-TV, Rockford, on Saturday, November 24.  It is also available on YouTube.  Morrison’s episodes are listed as “SBQ S5 E06 Seg 1” through “SQB S5 E06 Seg 5.”  The URL for the first segment is

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