Rotary Distributed Non-Plastic Bags

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In a earlier press release, Morrison, IL, Rotarian Kathy Schmidt stated, “We are always working to better our world, and we stay committed to that end. Rotary members believe that we have a shared responsibility, to take action on our world’s most persistent issues.

“That is why the Morrison Rotary Club is handing out fabric grocery bags on Earth Day, Saturday, April 22, 2023, at Sullivan’s Foods and at the Whiteside County Fairgrounds, during the Lions Club Recycling event. The Club purchased 300 bags to be given until gone, in an effort to remove plastic from our garbage and help the environment.”

At 9:00 a.m. three Rotarians at the Whiteside County Fairgrounds began with 150 bags, which were offered when recyclers departed. At 10:45, Carrie Melton, left, noted, “We’re about out!” Mick Welding and Schmidt assisted.

Schmidt said the members liked her idea of giving out reusable grocery bags. “It [demonstrates] the newest of seven areas of focus, for Rotary Clubs: Supporting the Environment.” Other categories they nurture include Maternal and Child Health; Education and Literacy; Water and Sanitation; Disease Prevention and Treatment; Peace and Conflict Prevention and Resolution; Economic and Community Development.

Kevin Kuehl and Lynette Damhoff were stationed inside Sullivan’s Foods with 150 bags. They are shown at 11:05 with their last two. New member Rich Groleau had served with Kuehl earlier.