At the corner of N. Cherry and E. High Streets, the Editor met two Morrison, IL, youngsters who accompanied 12-week-old Rose on her Thursday, August 5, 2021, 6:00 p.m. evening walk.
Rose is a Bernedoodle, blended from Bernese Mountain Dog and Poodle sire and dam. The puppy at that point was riding in a baby carriage.
Rose’s owner is Ella Kelly, left, age ten; she is an entering sixth grader. Her mother is Sara Perry. Ella’s friend, Kinsley Swaim, 11, is a fifth grader. Her parents are Shawn and Amy.
Ella stated Rose already knows several tricks: sit, shake, high 5, and lie down. “She does them mainly for treats.”
For now, her puppy sleeps in a kennel. As she matures and is potty-trained, Rose will be allowed to sleep with Ella.
That could become crowded, as little Rose may reach 100 pounds!