
Rodriguez and Temple Taking Burrito Orders for Mission Trip

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PorkBurritosFans of popular take-home burritos made by Paula Rodriguez and Linda Temple, of Morrison, IL, may place orders through 3:00 p.m., Friday, October 11, 2019.  Place on order by finding either woman on Facebook.

Text your order to Rodriguez at 815-535-8593, but do not leave a voice message.  “My phone message doesn’t work,” she stated.

“These are our pork burritos, and we are happy to still have them for $12 a dozen,” said Rodriguez.  “We are limited on our meat, so first come, first served.  They are fresh, very versatile, and freeze well.”

Pick up is from 3:00 to 6:00 p.m., Tuesday, October 15, at the Crave Building, 201 W. Market Street, Morrison.

The fundraiser will facilitate a mission trip to Brazil in 2020.  In the past the Morrison women went into schools to discuss bullying; helped build a wall at a church; painted a church.  They went to villages on ther Amazon River with supplies.  They played with chidren and encouraged them to continue their education.

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