River Bend Board of Education

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Written by Assistant Editor Jerry Lindsey.

Opening moments of May 16, 2023, River Bend School District board meeting included the introduction and sharing of accomplishments of the middle school girls’ track team.  Wrenn Coffee, Kerby  Germann, Chloe Wilkin, and Breleigh Hayton recently competed at the IESA State Track and Field finals at Eastside Centre in East Peoria and as a team finished thirteenth out of fifty-three schools. They established a new state record in the 4X400 Dash for seventh-graders and Kerby Germann finished 11th in the Long Jump, Breleigh Hayton finished 11th in the Shot Put and Wrenn Coffee finished 8th in the Discus. Congratulatory comments were expressed by all board members.

Superintendent Darryl Hogue reported the River Bend Middle School Promotion date as May 18, 2023, and the Fulton High School Graduation date as May 21, 2023. He noted that the total district enrollment (898) had not changed since the opening day of school in the fall of 2022.

Elementary Principal Jeffrey Hoese presented an extensive plan for the redesigning and relocation of classrooms within the elementary school to accommodate the teaching needs and anticipated forthcoming changes.

In action items, the board approved the following:

  1. Removing Ellen Loncar from the Central Bank activity account and adding Stacy Bueno.
  2. Approved the 2023-24 Parent/Student Handbook edits.
  3. Approved No Pass, No Play for high school eligibility.  
  4. Approved starting the new Agricultural Education Program at Fulton High School.
  5. Approved the additional section of River Bend Middle School Math and ELA beginning in the 2023-24 school year.