Resthave Home Invites You to an Open House

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PretzelCookieThe public is cordially invited to attend an Open House at Resthave Retirement and Nursing Home, 408 Maple Avenue, Morrison, IL, on Sunday, April 12, 2015.  From 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. Resthave Home will showcase the newly-constructed Nursing addition.  Adding to the celebration, goodies made by residents of the Assisted Living Area will be served, complemented by coffee or punch.

Due to the increase in size from double rooms for 49 occupants, the new Nursing addition has 70 beds–all of which are private and with a private bathroom.  The warm, colorful, and soothing Nursing wing is now home not only to the Nursing residents who migrated from the old Resthave Nursing Area, but also to those residents from Four Seasons at Morrison Community Hospital.

“People picked their own room based on their needs and wants,” commented Marketing Director Karla Burn.  “We tried to accommodate their preferences of views, sun or not, and closeness to activities of the home.” 

Marilyn Herrick is a six-plus year resident of Resthave.  She has watched the building of the Assisted Living Area and now the completion of the new wing where she is now at home.  “Resthave is a second life to me,” she said.  “I have all I need here, plus I do not have to share a room.  I wanted my privacy, and now I have it.  I have a normal life.”

Now each person has his or her own home, complete with knick-knacks, pictures, and precious items that makes the room finished–a home of which to be proud!

Everyone is very proud of this modern construction.  The Resthave Board, Administrators, and Staff welcome the Community to celebrate this second phase of building.  We have more to come; watch us grow. 

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