Resthave Egg Hunt Creates Smiles

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Article written and photos taken by Assistant Editor Jerry Lindsey.

The Resthave Care & Rehabilitation facility, 408 Maple Avenue, in Morrison, IL, created an atmosphere of Easter Egg excitement on Friday, April 7, 2023, that filled the parking area with excited and anxious youth.  The youngsters and supportive adults filtered onto the property and registered for the potential prizes to be given away, if a ‘treasured egg’ was gathered. “Egg hunt” areas were marked off for three age groups: 0–3-year-old, 4–6-year-old, and 7+ year-olds.

Each age group would had an opportunity to discover the treasured prize egg that held a Golden Ticket, among the dozens of candy-filled eggs which carried the prize of a new tricycle or bicycle sponsored, by A+ Storage (Brenda and John Martin.) Following a countdown, the invasion of youth began with adults allowed to assist the younger age group.  In a matter of minutes, the colorful egg-speckled lawn areas were returned to their pale green, spring tint, and all eggs were secure in the baskets of the smiling youth.


Zella Glenn…(Ages 0 to 3), Three-in-One outdoor game set

Rhett Daffer…(Ages 4 to 6), Spiderman Scooter

Rhea Cross…(Ages 7 and Up), Purple Scooter

Anu Sanchez and Nina Walters


Girls Bike…Hannah Bailey

Boys Bike…Bradyn Brown.