
Resthave 2021 Valentine Royalty

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Marketing Director Karla Burn submitted this press release and photos.

Drum roll please!  Resthave Care & Rehabilitation, 408 Maple Avenue, Morrison, IL, would like to announce the 2021 Valentine’s Day Kings and Queens.  The families of our royalty were invited to watch from outside.  Several brave souls endured the 5° weather to enjoy the event.  Now, that is love and warms the heart!

Several residents were a little tearful seeing their loved ones that came to support them.  However, the smiles were much more abundant.

More smiles and fun pictures are forthcoming on Resthave’s Facebook page.

Our Nursing wing King is George Temple, and our Queen is Diana Bailey.


Our Assisted Living wing King is Don VanDerLeest, and our Queen is Alice “Sis” Bordner.  VanDerLeest asked, “When do I get to look at my queen!?”  He and Sis are long time friends.  During picture taking, they looked at each other and were beaming from ear to ear, from the honor of being selected King and Queen and their great friendship.  Their smiles are so great, we had to share this picture instead of one looking at the camera.


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