Resignation Notice from Southside Principal

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Editor’s note: On Thursday, November 3, 2022, this letter announced the resignation of Lisa Tavitas, Southside Principal.

Dear Parents of Southside Elementary:

It’s with heavy heart I write this letter to all the parents of students here at Southside Elementary. You may have already heard rumors to the effect, but I wanted to make an official announcement about my resignation as the school’s Principal. Although I had committed to work until [Tuesday,] November 15, [2022,] the District has offered my extra time and provided the opportunity for me to be relieved of my duties as of [Friday,] November 4.

When I first entered this building just a few months ago, I was overwhelmed by the gracious greeting from parents and students. In my short time here, I have had the wonderful opportunity to observe the confidence grow within so many young learners. I have enjoyed speaking [with] and getting to know many parents as well. Students are truly the heart of Southside Elementary.

I entered into the position with so many ideas and dreams for this school, and I hope my short time here has provided the opportunity for new ideas to grow. May I say, it has been a pleasure partnering with parents, teachers, and students to make my experience here memorable.

Thank you all.

Best regards,

Lisa Tavitas