Repairs Being Completed; New Signs Installed

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There are visible signs that school will soon resume in Morrison, IL.  The first day is Wednesday, August 16, 2017.  Northside School students will be dismissed at 11:20 a.m.  The other three buildings will dismiss at 11:30.

Nicor Gas Company is repairing a series of 12″ diameter holes along Genesee Avenue.  This “potholing” was necessary to locate sewer lines, prior to running gas mains across them.  Safety cones mark the holes for the time being.

The Winfield Street resurfacing project, completed earlier this year.  The contract included fresh striping at all crosswalks.

Academic Drive was seal coated with a durable surface that will withstand snow plows.  Gray slag–chipped rock–is visible atop the oil beneath.  On Friday, August 4, City of Morrison Director of Public Works Gary Tresenriter reported, “We were advised to leave the surface alone until the end of next week, before sweeping away the excess slag.”

Two attractive electronic signs recently were installed at Morrison Junior High and the High School.  In this article, there are no photographs to illustrate them, because there are no messages currently displayed. 

Junior High Principal Joe Robbins stated on Friday, August 4, that the District “is waiting on installation of software for the signs.  Then we can begin customizing them.”  He noted “wireless antennas were installed in late July.”

The signs were purchased from funds generated by the 1% sales tax.

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