
Register or File a Change of Address by October 9

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RegToVoteDana Nelson, Whiteside County Clerk, reminds all County residents that the last day for voter registration and change of address for the Tuesday, November 6, 2018, General Election, is Tuesday, October 9, at all Deputy Registrar locations and at the County Clerk’s office.  Courthouse hours are 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday.

Take the time now to check your voter registration card and make sure that you are registered at the correct address.  You can check your registration online at

Nelson also reminds citizens that they may register by mail or online.  Voter Registration Applications are available at most Post Offices and government offices throughout the County.  The Voter Registration Applications must bear a postmark of no later than Tuesday, October 9, in order to vote in the Tuesday, November 6 General Election.  If registering online at the deadline is Sunday, October 21.

Any voter who has once registered in Whiteside County and is unsure if he/she is currently registered should check their voter registration card, issued by the County Clerk’s office.  If the name, address, and precinct are correct, you are eligible to vote.

For further clarification contact the County Clerk’s office at 815-772-5189 for more information.


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