Deborah Mortonson will begin teaching Tuesday evening swim lessons, for children ages 3 through 6-and-above. YMCA swim sessions will meet once a week for four weeks, at the Morrison High School pool, 643 Genessee Avenue, Morrison, IL.
The fee is $26 for YMCA members; $38 for non-members. Register by calling 815-535-9622 today. Email Deb Mortonson at
Sign up for her upcoming sessions: September 3-24; October 1-29; November 5-December 3.
Choose between two times:
Pre-School Lessons (Ages 3-5): 5:15 p.m. or 5:45 p.m.
School Aged Lessons (Ages 6+): 6:15 p.m. or 6:45 p.m.