Red Cross Thank You

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Editor’s note:  Fireman Arian Landheer, at right, is a member of the Lyndon Fire Department.

Letter to the Editor:

Our local American Red Cross Disaster Action Team volunteers and staff as well as dozens of fire departments, community organizations, businesses, and volunteers responded on scene and behind the scenes to the recent fire in downtown Prophetstown, IL.

The fire impacted several area businesses and displaced families from their apartments. The Red Cross Emergency Response Vehicle (ERV) was on scene to deliver supplies.  The remainder of the day, volunteers distributed supplies at the Fire Department including water, coffee, snacks, breakfast, and lunch. 

The Red Cross volunteers also met with each of the families impacted, to help coordinate assistance in the form of food, shelter, and emotional support due to fire damage in their apartments.

Your Red Cross relies on the generosity of others to do the work we do in the community, including being ever-ready and able to respond to fires and disasters like this.  We would like to acknowledge and give special thanks to the following businesses who generously supplied all the food and drinks.
Rock Falls McDonald’s
Sterling McDonald’s
Morrison McDonald’s
Chef’s Table in Morrison
Sub-Way in Prophetstown
CVS Pharmacy.

Your Lincoln Land Branch Disaster Action Team Members responding on-scene included:
Karen Nelson
Cindie Waters
Sam Brune
Dave Boyles
Dick Cox
Jim Nelson
Lucy Ettinger
Bambi Carlson
Michelle Craft
Michelle Redick
Scott Allshouse.
Thank you again for the generosity from Prophetstown, IL, and surrounding communities, for all the collaboration of efforts.  We came together to help in a time of need!

To learn more about getting involved with your American Red Cross, a United Way Agency, visit or call 815-625-0382.  

Best regards, Karen Nelson, Lincoln Land Branch Disaster Action Team Lead



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