Recycling is Important to Morrison Lions Club

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Morrison Lions participated again this year in the Recycle Day sponsored by the Morrison Chamber of Commerce.  The club received 93 cell phones, 46 pairs of eyeglasses, and keys.  Donations of these items are greatly appreciated. Eyeglasses are sorted and are distributed in areas that are in dire need of assistance with vision problems.  Cell phones are recycled and used in various programs providing cell phones for emergency use.  Recycling the metal in keys provides additional funds to provide services for the visually- and hearing-impaired people in Illinois.  Two of these services include Infant Vision and Infant Hearing Screenings.  This is an area of highly-vulnerable children where parents often cannot afford such screenings.  The title to the recycling of keys is “Unlock Your Heart.”  Brass, steel, tin, and aluminum keys can be recycled.  This program is sponsored by the Lions of Illinois Foundation.

Aaron Johnson, a member of the scholarship committee, introduced Alexander Volckmann.  Alexander was the recipient of the annual Lions Club Scholarship presented to a graduating senior.  Alexander told the club of his plans to attend St. Ambrose University and pursue a Dr. of Physical Therapy degree.  He related that it is an intensive 5-1/2 year study.  The club extended best wishes to Alexander.

Shown from left-to-right are Johnson, Volckmann, Jim Winslow, and President Bart Smith.  Johnson and Winslow are members of the scholarship committee along with Steve Wroble.


Johnson was also in charge of the program and introduced Tom McEleney from Clinton, IA.  Tom has been very involved with the Clinton Showboat and provided information to the club on the opening show, “Forever Plaid.”  He also gave information about the Summer Camp offered to children, grades 1-8, and the Theater for Children.  He also provided information on the annual silent auction.  Members asked questions and learned about the operation of the Theater so close to home.

Johnson McEleney

This year the Morrison Lions Club observes 75 years of keeping the motto “We Serve.”  Plans are being made to observe this milestone on October 1, 2013.  The celebration will be held at the Forest Inn and will include installation of officers for 2013-2014, presentation of Melvin Jones awards, and presentation of chevrons. 

The club does not meet during the months of July and August.  Meetings will resume on Tuesday, September 3, at noon at Happy Joe’s, 109 W. Main Street, Morrison, IL.  Meetings are held on the first and third Tuesday of each month in September through June. 

We welcome anyone interested in becoming a Lion to come to any meetings.  Check out our website at

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