Real Democratic Agenda: Lower Health Costs, Less Corruption, More Jobs and Fairness

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Editor’s note:  The following Op/Ed of Thursday, October 11, 2018, was contributed by Democratic Representatives Cheri Bustos of Illinois, Hakeem Jeffries of New York, and David Cicilline of Rhode Island.

In less than four weeks, Americans will go to the polls and choose who will lead us.  This time, it’s not hyperbole to say that this is the most important election of our lifetimes.

For the past two years, Republicans have had total control over the House, the Senate, and the White House.  What do they have to show for their leadership?

  • A tax scam that pads the pockets of millionaires and billionaires at the expense of the middle class.
  • Skyrocketing health care costs and prescription drug prices that are forcing millions of Americans deep into debt.
  • A culture of corruption in Washington that’s so far-reaching, it’s putting our entire democracy at risk.
  • A Nation that is growing more divided and more cynical–and a politics more chaotic and exhausting–with each passing day.

House Democrats have a different plan.  We will fight for the people.  We will build a safer, stronger, and forward-looking America.  In our efforts to right our Nation’s course, we will work with the administration when possible and hold the President accountable when necessary.  If we have the opportunity to lead the House of Representatives next year, we will

  • lower your health care costs
  • increase your pay
  • clean up corruption so Washington works for you.

Democrats believe America is strongest with a health care system that prioritizes people–not one that taxes and takes advantage of patients.  We will fight to protect your right to quality and affordable health care, by reining in the costs of prescription drugs, building on the current system to make it work better for everyone, and protecting those with preexisting conditions from Republican attempts to strip them of care.

Republicans hoped voters would forget they tried to kill health law.  They bet wrong.

Democrats believe America is most prosperous when every American has a shot at success and plays by the same fair rules.  We know that our economy is stronger when everybody’s hard work is respected and pays off with higher wages, higher incomes, and decent retirement benefits.  We will invest in our crumbling infrastructure, to create 16 million well-paid jobs rebuilding roads, bridges, and ports all around this Country.

And Democrats believe that Government exists to serve the American people, not just those with the biggest checkbooks.  On day one, we will take steps to end the culture of corruption in Washington.  We will

  • strengthen ethics laws to remove the corrosive influence of lobbyists and special interests from Congress
  • stop foreign money from influencing our elections
  • create more transparency and accountability for our leaders.

Republicans, on the other hand, won’t be offering a better vision or new ideas.  They will continue to distract, deflect, and divide us.  With their grip on power at risk, they’re growing increasingly desperate and resorting to scare tactics, because they can’t run on their own record.  They are pitting Americans against each other, instead of working to bring the Country together.

[Republicans] will continue to turn a blind eye to the real challenges we face.  They will continue to revert back to their same, tired playbook.  When special interests and lobbyists write your tax bill in a smoke-filled room, you end up with a law that hands over trillions of your tax dollars to the top one percent of Americans.  Reelecting the GOP will mean more of the same.

The choice is clear.  Democrats are fighting for the people, and Republicans are fighting for the powerful.

It’s time to get America back on track.  It’s time to come together to lower your health care costs, increase your pay, and make Washington work for you.

Democratic Representatives Cheri Bustos of Illinois, Hakeem Jeffries of New York, and David Cicilline of Rhode Island are co-chairs of the House Democratic Policy and Communications Committee.  Follow them on Twitter @RepCheri, @RepJeffries, @DavidCicilline.


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