Public Notice re: Smoke Testing

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SmokestackThe City of Morrison, IL, would like to notify the public that from Monday, September 23, through Friday, September 27, 2013, City employees will be smoke testing sanitary sewers in the downtown area.  These tests assist locating breaks and defects in the sewer system. 

During the test, one may see smoke coming from vent stacks on buildings or from holes in the ground.  This is not cause for alarm.  The smoke has no odor, is non-toxic, non-staining, does not create a fire hazard, and will dissipate in a few minutes. 

The following areas will be tested:  N. Orange to N. Clinton Streets and Market to Knox Streets.

All businesses and apartments in the testing areas will be notified with a pink door hanger.  It explains the purpose of–and what to do in preparation for–this testing.

Before the testing begins on Monday, September 23, notify City Hall if any of these situations exist at the property: 

  • dogs, birds, or other confined pets
  • unattended invalids or people sleeping
  • residents with respiratoy problems
  • unattended elderly persons who might be alarmed or confused to see smoke. 

Also before the testing, building occupants should pour water into basement floor drains and into any unused sinks.  This will seal the drain traps, so that smoke will not enter the building through the drain.

If smoke should enter a building, it probably means there are defects in the plumbing.  This could allow DANGEROUS SEWER GAS to enter.  Write down the location of the smoke and call City Hall at 815-772-7657, to arrange an appointment with an inspector.  Open doors and windows to ventilate any smoke that entered the building.

Please direct all questions to City Hall at 815-772-7657.

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