Program: Winter Is for the Birds

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The sandhill crane is both majestic and mysterious. Its smooth, sleek body moves gracefully as it slowly walks the marsh land of the Mississippi River. Occasionally, you may be fortunate enough to spot one or two from spring-to-fall here in the Clinton, IA, or Fulton, IL, area. However, observing nearly 17,000 in their winter homeland in the Southwest is an unforgettable experience!

Photographers Wolf and Linnea Koch of Sterling, IL, will share their collection of photos and observations, made during their memorable trip to Bosque del Apache, NM, to “winter with the sandhill cranes.” Enjoy watching them dance, and listen to their various calls.

This presentation will be hosted by the Volunteer Millers on Monday, February 5, 2024, at 6:00 p.m., located at the Windmill Cultural Center at 111 Tenth Avenue, in downtown Fulton.

All programming is free and open to the public. Light refreshments will be served following the presentation. The facility is accessible to persons with disabilities. For more information, visit the Windmill Cultural Center and de Immigrant Windmill Facebook page; visit Fulton Facebook page, website, or call 563-249-6115.

Monthly programming is available and partially funded by grants from the D. S. Flikkema Foundation through F.A.C.E.