
Presidential Movie at Odell on February 12

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The Odell Public Library Friends’ movie on Tuesday, February 12, 2019, movie is “Dave,” a comedic look at the media-mad, photo op time we live in–when looking Presidential may be the most crucial of all political talents.  “Dave” begins at 2:00 p.m., in the Odell Public Library Program Room, 307 S. Madison, Street, Morrison, IL, and is complemented with popcorn and pop.

Dave Kovic, played by Kevin Kline, is asked by the Secret Service to impersonate the President, because he is a dead-ringer for the Commander in Chief.  His job is to kiss babies, etc., and read scripted words from a teleprompter when in front of the pubic.  Dave is too innocent to think that duties like these are the most influential part of the President’s job, but audiences may think differently.

President Mitchell is a slick, aloof, politician who likes the ladies.  Her husband’’s antics do not amuse the First Lady, played by Sigourney Weaver.  Dave makes his entrance riding on a pig, as he impersonates the President on behalf of a Chevrolet dealership.  Kline, who portrays both Dave and the President, is great!  He is cynical and crafty as the President and wonderfully ingenuous as Dave.

Filling out the roles are Frank Langella as Bob Alexander, the scheming and evil Chief of Staff, and Ben Kingsley as the Vice-President. When the President has a “stroke,” Dave is pressed into service.

The Odell Public Library Friends present monthly films free of charge.  However, donations are most appreciated to offset the movie license fee of $300.


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