Pleasant View Offers Chili and Cinnamon Roll Lunch

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chiliTo celebrate back-to-school time, the public is invited to enjoy a pick-up, delivered, or dine-in lunch of chili, cinnamon roll, and beverage, on Thursday, September 8, 2016.

Pleasant View Rehabilitation & Health Care Center, 500 N. Jackson Street, Morrison, IL, is hosting a lunch fundraiser, to support St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital and facility enrichment at Pleasant View.

Meals are $6 each–which includes free delivery to your work or home.  Checks or cash are accepted as payment.

Opt for any or all of these toppings for your chili:  crackers, cheese, onions, sour cream.  Beverage choices are Pepsi, Diet Pepsi, Root Beer, Mountain Dew, and water.  Choose a delivery, pick-up, or dine-in time from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

Orders must be received by Thursday, September 1.  Select your reservation method:

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