Pink Heals Tour Supports Local Women

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The Pink Heals Tour made a stop in Morrison, IL, on Friday, July 29, 2016.  They first visited in 2014.  This promotional tour starts in Arizona with a caravan of pink fire trucks and travels around the United States of America.  Their goal is to honor women who are battling cancer or have beaten the disease.  Pink Heals firemen dressed in pink fire suits hug the ladies, give them an encouraging word, and encourage them to sign the truck.

In this straight forward endeavor, the pink vehicles raise awareness of the large number of women who do battle with cancer and honor their courage.  Signatures personify each woman.

Pictured are signatures from two of Shannon Huizenga’s daughters, Abby and Brooke.


Four women in the community were selected to be acknowledged.  It is such an honor to love and encourage these ladies to continue to fight this disease.  They received pink flowers, a gift basket from the City of Morrison, and sweet corn from Selmi’s Market.  Three ladies chose to have a visit in their home:  Sandy GrauBonnie Phend, and Karen ZuidemaShannon Huizenga was to meet the tour at Morrison Community Hospital’s parking lot.

She was unable to attend the event.  Pictured is a group of Team Shannon supporters who came out in force to support her.  Included in this group are Shannon’s mom and dad and her daughters.


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