Phone Scam Targets Methodist Parishioners

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Morrison United Methodist Church wants the public to be aware that there was a scam text message sent out, on Thursday, October 10, 2019, (around 10:30 a.m.) to several parishioners.  The message may state it was from Pastor Noah Panlilio or come up on caller ID with his name, but the phone number does not match.  The individual(s) are asking people to purchase gift cards; take a photo of the back of the card with the security code on it; then send the photos to “them.”  They claim they are with an ailing parishioner who has cancer and needs your help A.S.A.P.  This is a scam!  Please let fellow MUMC parishioners know, because they may not get this notice.  The common phone number that has come up is 630-481-7574.  Check the phone number you get a call from and delete or block it.  Upon further searching, a complaint online regarding the same scam request was found four hours prior.

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