Visit Kalmar Kolors Alpacas during “National Alpaca Farm Days,” on Saturday, September 28, and Sunday, September 29, 2024. The location is 9721 W. Lincoln Road, five miles west of Morrison, IL. Hours are 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on Saturday, and noon to 4:00 p.m. of Sunday. Watch for
Pets and Livestock
Watch live video of the eagles’ nest: Arconic Eagle Cam. Trivia notes: If you see both parents at the nest, the larger bird is the female, by about 33%. She also has a longer hooked beak. The American Bald eagle is not bald at all; its head is covered by
Starting Wednesday, February 28, dairy producers will be able to enroll for 2024 Dairy Margin Coverage (DMC.) This is an important safety net program offered through the U. S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), that provides producers with price support to help offset milk and feed price differences. DMC signup ends
Kathy Schmidt submitted this press release and photograph. Jim Strating will make brackets to hold the four containers. Garden Plain Rip Snorters 4-H Member Jon Tegler took on a project for Morrison Bark Park. These tubes are the Doggie Bag holders for the park. They are “green” doggie bag containers,
On Wednesday, December 1, 2022, Abbi Manning opened a home boarding kennel for dogs only, conveniently located at 18420 Lyndon Road, Morrison, IL, four miles north of U. S. Highway 30. There are seven pens. At the owner’s request, two dogs may be penned together. Barnyard Kennels is open daily,
Assistant Editor Jerry Lindsey wrote the article and took the photograph. Throughout the ages, dogs that have passed have been lamented by their owners. Memorializing the time spent together will always be welcome. “Pets are humanizing. They remind us we have an obligation and responsibility to preserve, and nurture, and
Emma “Em” Schroeder, Morrison, IL, and her purebred Pomeranian, “Frankie Boy,” issued a fundraising challenge to benefit the future Morrison Bark Park. They will match $500 worth of donations from supporters and dog lovers. The deadline for their matched donations is the first week of June.
According to the Livestock Management Facilities Act, livestock facilities in Illinois that house more than 300 animal units (AUs) are required to have at least one Certified Livestock Manager. The certificate is administered by the Illinois Department of Agriculture and is valid for three years. University of Illinois Extension provides
Each of us has had “one of those days” when things go very wrong. We complain, cope, conquer, or concede. On Monday morning, September 28, 2020, during our family walk, before remote learning classes began, daughter, grandchildren, and I discovered this helpless cat. Its head and neck were deep into
Public voting concluded Thursday, May 14, 2020, to name the 2020 Arconic pair of American bald eagles. These are the 15th and 16th offspring of Liberty and Justice. Meet Analiese and Terry. Two sets of names have very local ties. People thought Genesis and Trinity recognized all of the local
Editor’s note: Photos were taken Wednesday, May 6, 2020. Voting is now open on the website to name the 2020 eaglets. Voting will continue through Thursday, May 14; people can only vote once. The winning names will be announced on Friday, May 15. All names were suggested by people
Editor’s note: Watch live-stream activities in the aerie above the Mississippi River at View a trio of Bald Eagles sharing a nest and care of two eaglets above the Mississippi River, near Fulton, IL, at A new season of birth began for an internationally-known pair of American bald
Stewards of the Upper Mississippi River Refuge display live streaming views of an aerie that serves three, adult Bald Eagles and two offspring. The Trio Bald Eagle Nest that is located in the backwaters of the Upper Mississippi River National Wildlife and Fish Refuge, near Lock and Dam 13, Fulton,
Gerald Brown lives at 14236 Lister Road, Morrison, IL. He photographed this turkey family on Wednesday, March 25, 2020. “This is our Lister Road traffic, during COVID-19 shut-in.”
Editor’s note: Watch live-stream activities in the aerie above the Mississippi River at A new season of birth has begun for an internationally-known pair of American bald eagles, Liberty (female) and Justice. They became a pair in 2009 and laid one egg in 2010. It did not survive. Their