Morrison Garden Club member Sharon Moore submitted the press release and photo. Just over a year ago, in 2021, Morrison Garden Club was able to provide funds for the plantings of the Island Garden, at the front entrance of Morrison Community Hospital, 303 N. Jackson Street, Morrison, IL. We could
Article and photos submitted by Sharon Moore. Morrison Garden Club’s Featured Garden is the “Garden Off Garden Plain.” Like the colors of a rainbow, the gardens’ inhabitants burst forth in color–for this is no plain garden. Morrison Garden Club is featuring the beautiful gardens of Bonnie and Don Reed of
Assistant Editor Jerry Lindsey submitted this report and photograph. The beauty within the yard of Don and Bonnie Reed earned July 2022 Featured Garden recognition from Morrison Garden Club. Their home is at 13012 Locust Court, Morrison, IL.
On pages 13-15 of the “Illinois Farm Bureau Partners” Summer 2022 issue, is an article that demonstrates how farming plays a vital role in promoting beneficial bees, butterflies, and more. Kim Hill contributed the article “The BUZZ about Pollinators.” Notable Pollinator Statistics In 2017, Illinois established milkweed as the Official
This series of glowing Maple trees was taken Saturday afternoon, October 30, 2021, along E. High Street, bordering Grove Hill Cemetery, in Morrison, IL. Poets have often felt the same wonder with autumnal coloration. “Fall, Leaves, Fall” by Emily Bronte: Fall, leaves, fall; die, flowers, away; Lengthen night and shorten
Morrison Garden Club is pleased to have a Plant Sale this year! The event will be held Saturday, May 15, 2021, , from 8:00 a.m. until noon, in the City of Morrison Community Room, at Odell Public Library. The address is 307 S. Madison Street, in Morrison, IL. We ask
We are all somewhat eager to get into the yard to do some gardening. As you anticipate what changes and improvement you wish to make, consider coming to the annual Fulton Plant Sale on Saturday, May 8, 2021. The location is Cattail Park just north of Fulton, IL. Follow 8th Avenue
While Hosta plants come in varied colors, sizes, textures, and bloom times, there are many more shade-loving beauties from which to choose. They often give the gardener a similar effect. Whiteside County Master Gardeners prepared a “Demonstration Shade Garden,” at University of Illinois Extension Office, 12923 Lawrence Road, in Sterling,
This poem by the late Shel Silverstein seemed apropos of Earth Day, Thursday morning, April, 21, 2021.
The University of Illinois Extension is pleased to announce our newest Master Gardener Interns for Whiteside County. LuAnn Meyer, below left, and Paula Reid graduated from the Master Gardener program on Thursday, November 19, 2020.
Clinton Community College Bickelhaupt Arboretum now welcomes guests to the east portion of the arboretum for the remaining weeks of Arts at the Arb 2020. The 5th annual Arts at the Arb features artist Terry Rathje, whose work will be displayed through October. Due to the large number of trees
Due to continued precautions with the spread of COVID-19 and to insure the health and safety of the consumer and our staff, the annual spring Fulton Plant Sale will be cancelled. Difficulty securing a public site, volunteers, and plant supply all contributed to the decision. We hope to return in
On April 22, 2020, Sharon Moore wrote, “Several members of [Morrison] Garden Club along with three other volunteers laid 15 yards of mulch today at Odell Public Library.” Drive through the library parking lot at 307 S. Madison Street, Morrison, IL, to appreciate their annual spring embellishment. Pictured left-to-right are
Whiteside County Soil and Water District is looking to the future and spring planting season. They have four-to-six-inch native plants for sale at $4.25. Click here for the order form. Please call 815-772-2124, extension 3, or hand deliver the form and payment to WCSWD, 16255 Liberty Street, Morrison, IL 61270,
If you are suffering from a bit of “cabin fever” or winter blahs, think Spring! Before you know it, spring will be arriving, with early blossoms leading into summer blooms. So, it is time to plan now. Start thinking of what magnificent floral arrangements you could make of fresh-cut flowers