Editor’s note: If you desire an opportunity to deepen your “life well lived,” visit Anderson Japanese Gardens, in Rockford, IL. There are 12 acres of plantings, streams, a waterfall, paths, and a koi pond. Opening day is Friday, April 18, 2025. Call 815-229-9390 to verify if the 28-foot-tall, Weeping
Editor’s note: Photographer Jay Dirks is restoring his bi-State properties back to their rich, native ecosystems. He is a member of Whiteside County Soil & Water Conservation Board. To complete his interview, he submitted an essay that began with a passage from History of Whiteside County, Illinois, From its
The Natural Land Institute (NLI) Legacy Tree Program, with monthly tree recognition, continues to highlight trees of historic significance, with interesting stories, and to find very large trees that qualify for the Illinois Big Tree Register. This month’s tree is no exception; it scores as a local State Champion
This Norway Spruce, the original Tanenbaum, is the December 2024 Tree of the Month, in National Land Institute’s Legacy Tree Program. The Norway Spruce (Picea abies) is located in White Rock Cemetery (Ogle County.) Its height is 56-feet, with an average crown spread of 59-feet and circumference of 188-inches
A European Larch (Larix decidua) is deeply connected to a family and a neighborhood in Freeport, IL. This special tree is being recognized as Natural Land Institute’s Legacy Tree Program November Tree of the Month, because of its history and size. The height is 105 feet. It has an
Following is the Natural Land Institute’s Legacy Tree Program “Tree of the Month,” for October 2024, Natural Land Institute’s Legacy Tree Program is pleased to recognize the 2024 October Tree of the Month. It is a Silver Maple that has been bringing the Kinsella family together for two decades.
Natural Land Institute (NLI) is excited to announce that it closed Monday, September 16, 2024, on the purchase of a 327-acre natural area. It features wetlands, ponds, a lake, Raccoon Creek, and grassland bird habitat. This pristine property, purchased for $816,925 plus closing costs, is home to threatened and
Spangler’s Landscaping and Garden Center welcomed the public to celebrate their Chamber of Commerce Ribbon Cutting ceremony, on the morning of Saturday, September 7, 2024. This longstanding, full-service, family business began in 1971, at 12450 Lincoln Road, Morrison, IL, owned and operated by Linda and Lanny Spangler. They are
Natural Land Institute (NLI) is pleased to announce the July Tree of the Month is located at Whiteside County Fairgrounds, which contains a natural landmark: an ancient White Oak (Quercus alba) that has graced the land for more than three centuries. The tree is 90 feet tall; it has
Like the colors of a rainbow, the gardens’ inhabitants burst forth in color…. Summer has arrived, and one cannot help but notice the beauty that surrounds us in Morrison, IL. Gardens are starting to burst into vibrant colors. One such example causes passerby to do a double-take when viewing the
Spring has sprung! Amazingly, nearly overnight, our surroundings have magically turned to plush greens and vivid colors of spring blooms. That means it is time to check your landscaping and gardens, for what needs to be upgraded. The annual Fulton Plant Sale is coming soon. Mark your calendar for Saturday,
Sharon Moore submitted this press release and photo. Morrison Garden Club will host its annual Plant Sale this year on Saturday, May 18, 2024, in the City of Morrison Community Room, located at Odell Public Library, 307 S. Madison Street, in Morrison, IL. Doors open at 9:00 a.m., and the
What unites us is more important than what divides us. Emmy-winning filmmakers Tammy and Kelly Rundle of Fourth Wall Films turn their lens on a network of people and organizations, in Iowa and Illinois, who are working toward improved water quality in the Upper Mississippi watershed. The Rundles’ new documentary
This event will be an indoors workshop in a classroom setting, held at the City of Morrison Community Room, 307 S. Madison Street, Morrison, IL. Sponsored by the Whiteside County Soil and Water Conservation District, registration begins at 8:30 a.m., on Saturday, January 13, 2024. The free session runs from
The recent warm weather has certainly caused our gardens to spring into action. As you anticipate what changes and improvements you wish to make, consider coming to the annual Fulton Plant Sale on Saturday, May 13, 2023. It will be at Cattail Park, just north of Fulton, IL. Follow 8th