Packing Eggs for Kiwanis Egg Hunt

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Brian Bartoz submitted this information and photos. Editor’s note: Find more information about Kiwanis Club sponsored community programs and groups.

Who prepares more than a thousand candy- and prize-filled plastic eggs, in advance of the Annual Kiwanis Easter Egg Hunt, at Kiwanis Park, Morrison, IL? Youths from Morrison High School Key Club, Kiwanis members, and other volunteers do. This well-attended egg scramble was held Saturday, April 1, 2023, shortly past 10:00 a.m., after Morrison Fire Department delivered the Easter Bunny.

Egg preparation had begun on Tuesday, March 28, in the basement of Bethesda Lutheran Church, 301 W. South Street. The collaboration of age groups with the same goal of service to the children of Morrison is invaluable.

Brian Bartoz, Driver Education and American Government Teacher, stated, “Last year, we packed 1500 eggs for the event; I believe that we filled the same number of eggs this year. Twelve Key Club [student] members assisted during the event, I’m pleased to report.”

“Below, Key Club members pictured left-to-right in the foreground are Keaton Hull, Daniella Morgan, and Elise Richards. Steve Davis, President of the Kiwanis Club of Morrison, is pictured in the blue sweatshirt in the background.”