holiday ham

Order Holiday Hams from Morrison Lions Club

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holiday hamThe Holidays are just around the corner, and Morrison Lions Club members are selling fresh, fully-cooked, smoked, and boneless hams.  Sizes for the small and large hams cannot be guaranteed, but they will range from six-to-ten pounds and from 11-to-22 pounds.

Thanksgiving orders must be received by Sunday, November 10, 2019; delivery will be on Friday, November 22.  Christmas orders must be received by Sunday, December 8; delivery will be on Wednesday, December 18.

Orders can be placed with any Lions Club member or by calling Jim Blakemore, 772-3744 or Flora Stralow, 772-4874.

Candy Day was held on Friday, October 11, and Saturday, October 12.  A big thank you is extended to all who contributed for this worthy cause.  A portion of the funds collected is sent to the Lions of Illinois Foundation and used for vision and hearing programs.  The balance is retained by the club for vision, hearing, and community needs.

Bob Smith, Chairman of the Recycle Day reported the Saturday, September 28, event was a success.  He acknowledged the overwhelming support of the community for this event.  Plans will be made to have a Recycling Day in September 2020; start saving your recyclables.

An annual donation to Eversight was approved.  Eversight provides a second chance for thousands of people with eye problems to have sight restored by cornea transplants and also provides tissues to advance promising eye and vision research.  The club made a donation to CGH Foundation’s Eyeglasses for Kids and Adults, covering the cost of eyeglasses for Morrison area youth and adults.  Club members completed the Fall Cleanup of Route 30 covering a one mile stretch east of Morrison, IL.  Eleven volunteers filled ten bags for the Highway Department to load.  Several members participated in the Friday, October 4, Morrison Homecoming Parade.

Karla Burn was in charge of the program on Tuesday, October 1; her husband, Ken Burn, gave an informative talk on the Whiteside Area Career Center.  It was formed in 1966-67 as the Whiteside County Vocational High School, with eight schools participating.  The name changed several times and now serves 18 schools in a five-county area with close to 700 students.  At the present time there are 12 courses of study.  Many offer college credit through Sauk Valley and Highland Community Colleges.  In addition to classes at the school there are clinical and internship program opportunities for many courses.  It is funded through the participating schools, the Illinois Board of Education, grants, and tuition ($1100) which is paid by the schools for each student.  CGH, businesses, and individual donors provide goods or money to the WACC.  This is a great opportunity for students interested in fields not covered by a traditional high school curriculum.  Check out their website at

All are welcome to attend any of our noon meetings on the first and third Tuesday of the month, at Happy Joe’s Pizza, 109 W. Mains Street, Morrison.  Learn more about our club by visiting the website at

Below, left-to-right, are the highway clean up members, back row, Steve Wroble, Keith Hamstra, and Aaron Johnson; middle, Beth Wroble, Ken Jansma, and Kelvin Tenboer; front, Darlene Smith, Jim Blakemore, Lynne Wiebenga, and Bob Countryman.  Denny Countryman also volunteered and was the photographer.


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