Protests in Iran Require Care and Nuance

Editor’s note:  This essay was written by Graham F. West.  He is the Communications Director for Truman Center for National Policy and Truman National Security Project, although views expressed here are his own.  Reach West at In the final days of 2017, protests erupted and quickly spread to cities

From Russia With Love…Sort Of

Editor’s note:  This essay was written by Blair Bess.  He is a Los Angeles-based television writer, producer, and columnist.  He edits the online blog, and can be reached at Americans who lived through the Cold War were taught that the Soviet Union was not our friend. They possessed

For Californians, 2018 Looks Like a Rough Year

Editor’s note:  This editorial was written by Joe Guzzardi. He is a Californians for Population Stabilization Senior Writing Fellow. Contact him at From ecological, financial, and social perspectives, my native California has had a rough year, and 2018 may not be better. Ecologically, the worst disaster to hit California

New Year’s Absolution

Editor’s note:  This essay was written by Jason Graves.  He is an award-winning humor columnist from East Texas, TX. His columns have been featured in Texas Escapes magazine, The Shreveport Times, The Longview News Journal, and The Kilgore News Herald. Contact Graves at I’ve never been one to make

Taxes, Elections, and Your Pocketbook

Virtually every government in the history of the world has taxed, and today’s governments continue to tax, their citizens.  Someone has to pay for the roads, the schools, and the army.  Every government is an expression of how a society organizes itself.  They may have a king or queen, a

Americans Can Bake Hamburger Buns!

This editorial was written by Joe Guzzardi.  Guzzardi is a Californians for Population Stabilization Senior Writing Fellow. Contact him at An Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) raid at Chicago’, IL’s, Cloverhill Bakery, that netted 800 illegal alien employees, can be looked at two ways. First, management at the bakery,

Thomson Village Board Endorses Medicare-for-All

At Monday night’s September 11, 2017, Village Board meeting in Thomson, IL, Trustees voted four-to-one to adopt a resolution to support HR 676, “Expanded and Improved Medicare for All Act,” introduced by Congressman John Coyners, Jr.  Trustee Arthur Donart introduced the resolution at the Board’s August meeting and then moved

A Cowardly White House Using Dreamers as Human Shields

This essay was written by John L. Micek. Quite beyond being morally repugnant and an offense to human decency, the Trump White House’s announcement Tuesday[, Septmber 6, 2017,] that it is rescinding the “Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals,” or DACA, is the ultimate exercise in political cynicism. By punting the

Sprawl Kills–Literally

This essay was written by Joe Guzzardi. Los Angeles County, the Nation’s most populated with more than 10 million residents, is in an emergency state, per Governor Jerry Brown’s declaration. The largest inferno in Los Angeles’ history has forced hundreds from their homes. Little more than two months ago in

Helping Houston the American Way

This essay was written by Michael Reagan. Houston is trying to dry itself out and recover from the historic floods of Hurricane Harvey. It will take years and unknown billions of dollars. Unlike New Orleans in 2005 after [Hurricane] Katrina, the Country’s fourth-largest city was as prepared as any metropolis

Ethics on the Fire Lines

This essay was written by Peter Funt. I was told I could speak with Ron during his lunch break, but to keep it brief and avoid highly personal questions. He was wearing a jumpsuit and sitting on a tree stump, eating a Government-issued baloney sandwich. This was a relatively easy

Shall We Continue the Korean War?

Written by Arthur Donart, Ph.D. Actually, I’m too old to go back and finish the job.  By the time I was halfway through basic training, the Armistice had taken effect.  In war, an armistice is a temporary cease fire; it is not a “peace treaty.”  Enemies remain enemies.  We have

Trump Overseas: Success or Disaster?

Written by Arthur Donart, Ph.D. Judging from the spin, President Donald Trump’s trip abroad was a smashing success.  I guess it all depends on how you define “success.” He went to Saudi Arabia and was greeted like a king, by a king.  He must have loved it.  King Salman must

Advice for President Trump

This essay was written by Michael Reagan. Dear Mr. President: I have some more friendly but important advice for you. It’s not about your itchy Twitter finger or your golf game. I’ll take the great Ernie Els’ word for it, that you don’t need any golf tips from me. After

What Kind of Society Do You Want?

In his autobiographical book, Born A Crime, Trevor Noah cleverly points out the asinine aspects of apartheid and racism. It is a real eye-opener. The reader has to ask the question, “Why was this so crazy?” Yes, there is an explanation. The history is there. But behind the history is