Boycott, Divest, and Sanctions: 1st Amendment Right is Under Attack!

Editor’s note:  Wikipedia states, “The Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement (also known as BDS) is a global campaign promoting various forms of boycott against Israel, until it meets what the campaign describes as Israel’s ‘obligations under International law,’ defined as withdrawal from the occupied territories; removal of the separation barrier

Border “Crisis” Distracts Us From the True National Emergency

Dick Polman is the National political columnist at WHYY in Philadelphia, PA, and a “Writer in Residence” at the University of Pennsylvania.  His email is Are we capable of connecting two dots?  The fake border crisis distracts us from the true National emergency:  A suspected Russian asset sits in

John F. Kennedy Could School Legislators

Sixty years, ten months, and 26 days ago, then-Senator John F. Kennedy, offered this path to Legislative statesmenship.  He spoke during a Loyola College Alumni Banquet in Baltimore, MD, on February 18, 1958. There is wisdom in his 35 words that applies today. “Let us not seek the Republican answer

What Would Jefferson Think of the Government Shutdown?

An award-winning political journalist, Micek is the Opinion Editor and Political Columnist for PennLive/The Patriot-News in Harrisburg, PA. It was a perfect post-Christmas day, as I watched tourists move in concentric circles around the Jefferson Memorial at the far edge of the National Mall. Jefferson’s famous exhortation about the nature

Trump Shutdown Further Exacerbates Uncertainty for Illinois Farmers

Editor’s note:  This information  was published on Monday, January 7, 2019, by the office of Illinois Representative Cheri Bustos. In addition to 800,000 workers who are either furloughed or working without pay–including folks at airports and the Peoria[, IL,] Agriculture Lab–our farmers are feeling the consequences from President Trump’s reckless

Legislation Passes to Make the House Govern Effectively

On Thursday, January 3, 2019, the House of Representatives passed legislation that will fundamentally change the way the House operates.  The rules package will ensure that the House is more effective, fiscally responsible, and working with integrity for the people. Congresswoman Cheri Bustos, Illinois’ 17th Congressional District, stated, “For far too

Top 10 Comedic News Stories of 2018

Will Durst is an award-winning, Nationally acclaimed columnist, comic, and former sod farmer in New Berlin, Wi.  For a calendar of personal appearances, including his new one-man show, “Durst Case Scenario,” please visit Sit the kids down.  Let the dogs out.  Prop up the grandparents.  The Nation’s patience has

2019 Precap

Peter Funt is a writer and speaker.  His book Cautiously Optimistic is available at and Wondering if things will change for the better in the New Year?  Here’s a handy clip ‘n’ save precap of news certain to occur during 2019. JAN. 1 – In a New Year’s

The Year in Askew

Jase Graves is an award-winning humor columnist from East Texas.  His columns have been featured in Texas Escapes magazine, The Shreveport Times, The Longview News Journal, and The Kilgore News Herald.  Contact Graves at susanjase@sbcglobal. With the smells of the holidays…still hanging in the air, it’s time for another one

Enhanced Medicare for All: A Right to Life Issue

The Jeopardy quiz show answer is, “Medicare for All.”  Medicare for All is truly a pro-life issue.  The Affordable Care Act (ACA) helped many Americans get health insurance.  However, it did not resolve the ongoing problem of ensuring that everyone needing medical treatment would receive the care they needed. Due

Politicians, Taxes, and Lies: Who Is Looking Out for You?

I cannot remember an election when taxes have not been an issue.  Prior to every election we get pelted with the same crap.  The Republicans will parade themselves around as the Party of fiscal responsibility, even though they have proven, time and time again, that they are not.  Their mantra

Carroll County Democrats Endorse Medicare for All

On Tuesday, September 18, 2018, at their regular meeting, the Carroll County Democratic Central Committee weighed in on the issue of Medicare for All. The Affordable Care Act helped many Americans get health insurance.  However, it did not resolve the problem of ensuring that everyone needing medical treatment would receive

Some 600 Detained Migrants Are Pregnant

This essay was written by Joe Guzzardi.  He is a Progressives for Immigration Reform analyst who has written about immigration for more than 30 years.  Contact him at In as troubling an immigration story as anyone will read this summer, between December 2017 and April 2018, U. S. Border

America’s Foreign Policy Drives Women Migrants to Flee

This essay by Molly Redden appeared on Huffington Post Sunday, July 22, 2018. Women migrants are fleeing countries which the United States helped decimate.  [Ironically,] since the day Donald Trump began his run for the Presidential office, he has promoted the idea that people who flee to the U. S.

Jones Act Keeps America Prepared for War in Times of Peace

This editorial was written by Peter Roff. Although it’s cliche, Memorial Day reminds us that freedom isn’t free.  It costs us, sometimes dearly. This is especially true when we find ourselves unprepared, for a conflict we probably should have expected to be drawn into.  America was not ready for World