At Least Our Legislators Don’t Throw Animal Entrails

I like news.  I start my morning reading a newspaper.  Besides “reading”, I subscribe to one daily newspaper and one weekly, and I receive one weekly at no cost.  I regularly watch fact-telling news commentators on one channel.  Throughout the day, my phone alerts me to Yahoo news feeds. 

Beating the Strawman: If I Only Had a Brain

The essay was submitted by Arthur C. Donart, Ph. D.  It is first in a series. “The Wizard of Oz” is a classic, and so is the strawman, Scarecrow.  Politicians also love using a “Strawman.”  Building a strawman means simply creating an imaginary foil, ie., bad action; attributing it to

McCombie Providing “Voice to Victims”

Saying she got involved with the issue of current criminal justice reform “because of how poorly the Knight Family was treated, after the tragic murder of Pam Knight.”  Knight was a DCFS case-worker beaten to death on the job, from Illinois Rep. Tony McCombie’s district.  Last week, Rep. McCombie was

Coalition Forms to Oppose Elimination of Cash Bail

A new coalition of Law Enforcement organizations formed on Monday, March 2, 2020, to oppose efforts in the General Assembly to end cash bail.  Throughout this year’s legislative session, the Coalition for Public Safety will speak with a unified and strong voice on this and other criminal justice issues.  Founding

McCombie: Growth in Illinois Cannot Be Driven by Radical Policies

Illinois State Representative Tony McCombie reacted to Governor JB Pritzker’s second State of the State Address.  She renew[ed] her call for Illinois lawmakers to focus on providing relief for out-of-control property taxes; reforming ethics laws to eliminate self-dealing; improving the way Illinois redraws its political maps, following the decennial Census.

Warren’s Plan to Cancel Student Loan Debt and Ensure Free Public College

Democratic Presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren has a plan to address the student loan crisis, that is holding back our economy and crushing thousands of American families. “We got into this crisis, because State governments and the Federal government decided that, instead of treating higher education like our public school system–free

Bustos Statement on Theft of Defense Funds

Illinois Congresswoman Cheri Bustos is a member of the House Appropriations Subcommittees on Defense, Military Construction, and Veterans Affairs.  On Friday, February 14, 2020,she released the following statement about the Administration’s recent decision to steal Department of Defense funds, which are crucial to military readiness, for border wall construction.  President

McCombie Pushes for Property Tax Reform

State Representative Tony McCombie stood with fellow House Republican Legislators from Northern Illinois, in denouncing the missed opportunity and failed effort of the partisan-controlled Task Force, to consider and recommend meaningful short- and long-term property tax relief.  Video from the Press Conference and more information about this and other State

Bustos Announced $3.8 Million in Federal Funding

On Friday, January 17, 2020,, Congresswoman Cheri Bustos, a member of the House Appropriations Committee, announced $3,866,478 in Federal grants, from the Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Continuum of Care (CoC) program. CoC is designed to assist individuals and families experiencing homelessness and to provide services necessary to help

Bustos Helps Pass Wage and Bad Robocalls Acts

On Thursday, July, 18, 2019, Congresswoman Cheri Bustos helped pass the Raise the Wage Act.  This legislation would raise the Federal minimum wage from $7.25 to $15 by 2025[.  It would] give more than 33 million hardworking Americans a raise.  Additionally, this bill would lift 1.3 million Americans out of

Trump Correct to Consider Changes To Refugee Policy

Editor’s note:  Joe Guzzardi is a Progressives for Immigration Reform analyst who has written about immigration for more than 30 years. Contact him at During a recent meeting with the Department of Homeland Security, the State Department, and about 20 other representatives from agencies involved in immigration, the Trump

Choice and Common Sense, Key to Solving Pension Crisis

Editors’ note:  Tony McCombie is Republican State Representative for Illinois’ 71st District, which includes portions of Rock Island, Henry, Carroll, and Whiteside Counties. Pension reform has been a hot topic in Illinois for years now.  [It is] a massive fiscal challenge that spends roughly 25% of our General Fund and

U. S. Foreign Policy Principle Number One: Hypocrisy

A hypocrite is a person who puts on an appearance of virtue while acting in a way that contradicts one’s stated beliefs.  Our Federal Government’s foreign policy is a good example of hypocrisy.  As a Nation, we profess a belief in democracy, human rights, and “the rule of law.”  In

Say “No” to the New Loopholes in the Tax Code

Peter Roff is a Senior Fellow at Frontiers of Freedom and a former U. S. News and World Report Contributing Editor, who appears regularly as a commentator on the One America News network. There’s nothing wrong with being wealthy.  What matters is how one got to be that way.  Far

One Reason Why Some People Voted for Trump

Christine Flowers is an attorney and a columnist for the Philadelphia Daily News. There are people, particularly in areas like Philadelphia[, PA,] where progressives tend to congregate, who cannot understand why anyone would have voted for Donald Trump. Trump is considered by most Democrats and even some Republicans as a